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Lost Mines of Phandelver OSR Conversion

Our wonderful (and tragically lost episode of) Vox Arcana, detailed the Lost Mines of Phandelver adventure for 5e. We discussed how to really utilize all of our best 5e tricks to make the adventure great. While recording, I realized the entire thing could easily be cut-and-pasted into my personal D&D world. It’s an easy, fairly low-stakes adventure that involves some exploration, and it would require minimal modification to work in my game. 

Spoilers for the adventure from the D&D Beginner Box, originally released in 2014.

Here is what I would change:

  • The name Phandalin is silly, and worst still, very recognizable. Let’s call the little mining town Dalin, which has an Irish feel. Let’s make all of its woodsy citizens speak with an Irish brogue.
  • The adventure itself is already set up as a series of situations, so let’s lean into that. A local wizard is on the hunt for a lost spell forge, and will pay any price to find it (it functions as a 20,000gp library). He’s hired hobgoblins and other creatures to make his plan happen. These hobgoblins (and friends) are unfriendly and causing problems for townsfolk, who want them eradicated.
  • There are several points of interest in a small area, so it’s possible for the players to come across them out of order. Most of the NPCs are willing to strike deals or make some sort of trade rather than being purely combat (including the orcs at Wyvern Tor, who would be much more willing to wheel and deal, having their own goals and desires).
  • The Redbrands are a perfect criminal faction for beginning players, but I would position them as something to be manipulated and used, rather than an obstacle to be overcome. They’re a Class 6 criminal syndicate with 25 members.
  • In fact, let’s set up some different sub-factions within the Redbrands, so the players have more to work with. We can have the Old Way guys who liked the old leadership and hate change, and the New Way guys who are sick of the old ways and want to see change. There would also be many people in the organization who don’t care either way, and so they might be swayed. Simple enough. We can get more detailed when it becomes relevant.
  • Speaking of factions, let’s make the Black Spider his own faction. He’s still a villain, though now he’s a potential resource rather than an end goal. Still not a nice guy.
  • The adventure is seriously lacking on treasure, so we could use the treasure rules to see how much we’re supposed to give away based on the number of monsters in various areas. We’re also free to place more monsters in a location if the encounter is too easy (or remove if things are too hard).
  • It would have a more pedestrian feel than 5e, but hardly anything needs to change; we'll track time to ensure players are leaking money from continued maintenance costs (hirelings and inn fees, etc.)

    That's basically all I would change. The rest of the adventure is really fun, with good adventure sites and traveling. 

    I was thinking of doing this for the newer 5e Essentials Kit, but it would take more heavy lifting, since that thing is barely playable in its default state.


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