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Lost Mines of Phandelver WFRP Conversion


My forays into WFRP have got me thinking about adventure design from the lens of the Old World. I wanted to see what a D&D 5e adventure might be like from that perspective. The result? A much better, though entirely different adventure.

  • The backwoods little village of Steinbruchstadt (Phandalin from 5e) lies deep in the Skaag hills, southwest of Carroburg, and west of Kalegan. The nearest trading town is Prie, to the northwest, which sits on the river Reik. This hilly region was once home to various mining towns, but over the last few hundred years, they’ve played out and the towns were abandoned. Nature has reclaimed most of them. The exception is, of course, Steinbruchstadt, which survived by quarrying limestone. This quaint town sits on a vast lake called Skaag Lake.
  • Folk are suspicious of newcomers, and rightfully so; they live in constant danger. Their town is recently-built (only about 200 years old) and encircled by a tall stone wall. They have been attacked many times over the years by beastmen, and even orcs once.
  • The goblins in the mine are a recent addition, and are entirely unknown by the citizens of Steinbruchstadt. These goblins recovered a chunk of wyrdstone and have cultivating a small army to destroy Steinbruchstadt.
  • Three years ago, while cutting limestone from the quarry, workers found a natural cavern rich with gold and other semiprecious metals. Two weeks ago, they found a deposit of wyrdstone. It instantly mutated three of the workers, who killed 2 and chased away the rest of the workers. The town needs someone to clear the mutants out of the quarry, so they can continue the lucrative task of mining gold and minerals. They also don't want anyone to know about the gold, claiming there are deposits of iron and other “mostly worthless” minerals in the mine.
  • The official story to explain the disappearances is there was a “mining collapse” that killed several of the men. Their bodies haven’t been recovered, so no one has had a chance to see their wounds.
    • Eight-year-old Aubrey Eisner, snuck down to the quarry and said she didn’t see any collapse in the tunnel. Her father was one of those lost in the “accident.” Dragzac’s excuse: The collapse was further inside.
    • The bodies were taken into the mine and thrown into a dark corner. Anyone who finds them will find injuries from mining tools, as well as human teeth marks on their flesh.
    • The surviving workers want to keep their secret gold supply, and so agree with whatever story Dragzac has told them. The men’s injuries look to be inflicted by mining equipment if examined.
  • Naturally, the quarrying operation is run by a dwarf, who has been working with humans for decades. He prefers working with dwarves, but has adapted well enough to the “inferior” workmanship of humans.
    • His name is Dragzac Flamefire. He has been splitting the profits from the gold mining with the workers. He gets the biggest cut, for providing his “dwarven expertise.” Naturally, the human workers wouldn’t mind if he were eliminated, so they could start taking his cut, but he really does know what he’s doing.
    • Dragzac has sadly succumbed to the chaotic influence of the warpstone. He has gained the mental corruptions “Mental Blocks” “Lonely Spirit” and “Unholy Rage.” The townsfolk are only aware that he’s been acting differently for a few weeks.
  • The player characters were hired by a dwarf called Gridragg, the brother of Dragzac, to meet him in the town. His brother recently died, and he wishes to share the news with his family. This is the last stop on a long journey for poor Gridragg. The dead brother’s name was Ralurok, who was killed by Greenskins.
  • The Redbrand gang is either replaced with Skaven or working with them.
  • Wow, this is nothing like the adventure it’s based upon; and much better.


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