Our wonderful (and tragically lost episode of) Vox Arcana, detailed the Lost Mines of Phandelver adventure for 5e. We discussed how to really utilize all of our best 5e tricks to make the adventure great. While recording, I realized the entire thing could easily be cut-and-pasted into my personal D&D world. It’s an easy, fairly low-stakes adventure that involves some exploration, and it would require minimal modification to work in my game. Spoilers for the adventure from the D&D Beginner Box, originally released in 2014. Here is what I would change: The name Phandalin is silly, and worst still, very recognizable. Let’s call the little mining town Dalin, which has an Irish feel. Let’s make all of its woodsy citizens speak with an Irish brogue. The adventure itself is already set up as a series of situations, so let’s lean into that. A local wizard is on the hunt for a lost spell forge, and will pay any price to find it (it functions as a 20,000gp library) . He’s hired hobg...